A study on Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) and life satisfaction of the state of oral health project of the elderly in Jeonbuk Korea

Chung-Soon Park*   Ye-Seul Han   

Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University


Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the oral health assessment and satisfaction according to recognition and beneficiary oral health projects for oral health promotion of the elderly. Methods: The subjects were elderly over 65 years old in Jeonbuk province. The study instrument was structured questionnaire including general characteristics, oral care condition, recognition of project, satisfaction of project, geriatric oral health assessment index, life satisfaction. For data analysis, the study used independent t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis. Results: The subjects of this study were well aware of the perceived health status of oral health projects. Satisfaction scaling project was the highest in the satisfaction of the received projects. People who recognized the oral health project had a high oral health assessment index. People who benefit from oral health project showed higher satisfaction in life. Conclusions: As for the elderly's perception on oral health care, they showed higher oral health assessment index and life satisfaction.


이 논문은 2017년도 원광보건대학교 교내연구비 지원에 의해서 수행됨.

Figures & Tables

Table 1. Oral health behavior status