All Issue
October 2022
- Vol. 22 No. 5
- Status of dental physical therapy work and hygienists’ educational needs
- Case study on the effects of VR educational media on oral imaging practice
- Relevance between cognitive function and oral health status in the elderly: Focusing on Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging
- Association between smoking behavior and denture wear in the elderly aged 65 years and older in South Korea: The 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Association between sealants and caries assessed using the Seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)
- Relationship between daily life changes and oral symptoms in adolescents post the COVID-19 pandemic: The Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2021)
- Effect of dental hygienist grit on dental hygiene job performance: mediating effect of job satisfaction and job commitment
- Factors related to English communication skills in the dental health service process of clinical dental hygienists
- Derivation of core competencies of advanced practice dental hygienists in the elderly using the Delphi method
- A study on professional identity, resilience, and job satisfaction according to the personality types of dental hygienists
- A Study on the Recognition about National Health Insurance Coverage of Implant, Denture of Dental Workers
- Analysis of oral pathogenic microorganisms in Alzheimer’s dementia patients using nursing facilities
- The relationship between socioeconomic status and oral health inequality in the elderly in Korea
- Demand for dental hygiene specialization training courses for visiting oral health care for older individuals
- Relationship between oral health factors and eating habits education experience in adolescents
- The effect of dental hygiene students’ professional self-concept and ethical propensity on the willingness to performance of private patient information protection
- Phenomenological study on the problem-based learning experience of clinical dental hygiene among students in dental hygiene
- Assessment of the erosive potential of elder-friendly foods