All Issue
February 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 1
- Development of Korean standard dental hygiene curriculum proposal
- Relationship between the oral Health, oral health impact profile-14 and total health index of male workers
- Analysis of the relationship of the time of offering pre-clinical practicums and dental experience to participation attitude, stress and satisfaction1
- A study on oral health knowledge and behavior of mothers of children attending kindergartens and child care facilities in some parts of Chungnam1
- A study on the dental knowledge and awareness of special education teachers
- The effect of Korean dentist’s stereotyping on service behavioral intention toward North Korean refugees
- Effect of satisfaction in major and career search efficacy on career search behavior in dental hygiene students
- Oral health awareness and behavior affecting oral health indexes
- The relationship between frequency of tooth brushing and hand washing in Korea adolescent
- Relationship between oral condition and BMIs of high school male students in some regions
- Analysis of a relevant factor on dental treatment fear using dental fear survey in college women
- The oral health care research according to the rank of soldiers and officers
- Comparison analysis of before and after scaling training on grip and pinch strength
- Relation of necessity of the first aid education and attitude about traumatic dental injuries in some military men
- Relationship between diet behavior and dental caries experience among low socio-economic status children
- The Influence of occupational stress on dry mouth, temporomandibular disorder and oral symptoms on workers
- Effect analysis of short-term oral health care on children at community care centers
- A survey on the awareness of water fluoridation in Mokpo city
- Some of the soldiers oral care products usage and recognition
- Immunohistochemical study on expression of mast cell and macrophage in irritation fibroma
All Issue
April 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 2
- A study on stress factors in dental hygienists caused by students in clinical practice by pattern of hospital
- Influential factors related to hand washing practice of dental hygienists by health belief model
- A study on the improvement of the national dental hygienist practical examination
- A study on illegal dental treatment
- Associated factors which influence satisfaction of dental implant patients and intention to revisit using structural equation model
- A study on factors relevant to the self-perception of halitosis and the correlation between halitosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders
- A study on some workers’ effective oral health behavior and workplace oral examination
- A survey of cognition on infection control of the clients in dental hospital
- PHP index according to toothbrushing behavior and smoke status of some local residents1
- The effects of incremental dental care(IDC) on kindergarten children
- The factors affecting oral health behavior of elementary-school students in Gyeonggi province
- Factors influencing oral health behaviors in high school students
- Evaluation of oral health service program for disabled persons in Ulsan, Korea
- Oral health–related quality of life according to oral
- health behavior and awareness of middle school
- students in some regions
- Kolb learning styles and self-regulated learning strategies of dental hygiene students
- The effect of tooth bleaching agent contained 15% carbamide peroxide on the color, microhardness and surface roughness of tooth-colored restorative materials by using pH cycling model
- Evaluation of fitness of metal-ceramic crown fabricated by cobalt-chrome alloy
- Development proposal of oral health educational media based on the oral health care and educational needs of college students
All Issue
June 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 3
- Actual status of infection control by the dental hygienist in Korea
- The associations between dietary behavior and subjective measurements of serious dental diseases in nursing home staff
- A study on the cervical abrasion in some industrial workers
- Awareness and satisfaction on dental implant treatment
- Study of maintenance behavior based on the experience of the tooth brushing instruction for implant patient
- Related factors to satisfaction of patients visiting dental hospital and clinics
- Correlations among eating habits, behaviors for dental health and dental caries of juveniles
- Knowledge on methods to deal with dental trauma in some middle school students
- A study on correlation between subjective consciousness on periodontal health status and blood cell count of college students
- A study on work value factors and professional attitude factors of dental hygiene students in parts
- A study on handwashing of health science college students
- A study on awareness of oral health and oral health education among elementary school teachers
- Survey on toothbrushung practice of elementary school students by teachers
- Self-perceived oral malodor symptoms and associated factors among adults in metropolitan area
- The relationship between smoking and periodontal diseases in Korean adults: based on the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010
- Satisfaction with continuing education for college students working in companies
- Effect of the family dentist system on oral health status of children and adolescents in Busan, Korea
- Evaluation of saliva and cariogenic activity in patients with hematologic malignancy
- Antimicrobial activity of jaborandi extract and sorbitol to oral microbes
- Influencing factors of oral health by PRECEDE model
All Issue
August 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 4
- Professionalism and job satisfaction in dental hygienists
- Some dental hygienist by career expectations regarding clinical work done in the field of business studies
- Dental fear factor analysis in dental clinic patients
- Recognition about national health insurance of dental scaling in industry accident injury patients
- Study of oral health knowledge, management and attitude change after health education program designed for marriage immigrant women
- Comparison of oral health status by metabolic syndrome risk factors in workers
- The influence of stress on oral mucosal disease, dry mouth and stress symptoms in adults
- Factors that influence the oral health status between Korean adults living in Korea and the US
- Awareness and satisfaction on tooth whitening
- Correlation between dental caries experience, oral health promotion behaviors, and knowledge of oral health in children and adolescents
- Influencing factors of oral health behavior in elementary school students by health belief model
- Effect of administration by school dental clinic program
- Influences of oral health behaviors according to oral health education experiences in middle school students
- Dental clinic fear in high school students
- Relationship between the prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorders in some male high school students and computer utilization
- Research on some of dental hygiene students’ stress over the national examination
- Influencing factors for the empowerment of the dental hygiene students
- Employment preparation and job preference of dental hygiene majoring students
- Comparison of subjective health condition and subjective oral health condition of the elderly in Gumi
- Factors influencing the number of remaining natural teeth in elderly people visiting dental care services
- pH and buffering capacity in some commercial fermented milks
All Issue
October 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 5
- Development of job performance assessment tool for dental hygienists
- Relationship between emotional labor and occupational stress of dental counselor
- Association between psychological factors and temporomandibular disorders in Korean adults : The fouth Korean national health and nutritional examination survey(2009)
- Effect of oral environment(salivary flow, taste recognition threshold) of adults over 40 years on oral health influence point(OHIP-14)
- Influence of oral health status on oral health-related quality of life(OHIP-14) among elderly people in Busan
- Relationship between BMI, oral health behavior and perceived oral symptoms among child care teachers
- Study on the teaching efficiency and satisfaction levels of clinical practice instructors during clinical practice training for some dental hygienists and students
- Influences of health behaviors and perceived oral symptoms on subjective oral health status
- A study on the oral health education needs according to self perception of the oral condition of senior citizens in some areas
- Awareness towards water fluoridation program in Yongin
- Dental trauma patients visiting the emergency room in H hospital
- Relationship between self-leadership in clinical practice and stress
- Relationship between periodontal diseases and quality of life
- A study relationship between dental health perception and practice of college students
- Effect of self-leadership of students majoring in dental hygiene on clinical practice-induced stress and countermeasures against the stress – focusing on Daegu and Gyeongbuk –
- Factors influencing on health promotion behaviors in public health course of college students
- Related factors to dental fear of women university students
- Prevalence rate of deciduous dental caries of 5-year-old children and the risk factors related to their mothers
- Bacterial diversity in children’s dental caries
- Clinical evaluation of bleaching effect of 3% hydrogen peroxide strip with primer on human enamel
All Issue
December 2013
- Vol. 13 No. 6/li>
- Perceptions of dental hygienists toward digital dentistry
- The level of expertise and awareness of information on toothpaste in dental hygienists
- The relationship between autonomy and decision-making ability in clinical dental hygienists
- Intention of overseas employment in Korean dental hygienists
- Influencing factors of turnover intention of dental hygienists using by the path analysis
- Influential factors for the use of oral hygiene supplies in metropolitan area
- Analysis of factors affecting the scaling experience of patients visiting the dental prophylaxis practice lab
- Deciding factors of regular scaling checkup in metropolitan adults
- Korean Scaling Fear(KSF-1.1) and related factors in scaling patients
- The influence of pain experience upon dental fear
- A study on the socio-economic study on the characteristics and oral health of national basic livelihood security
- The oral health awareness and behavior of sanitation workers in Jeonju
- The relationship of obesity and periodontal disease by age
- The relationship of snack habits, oral health behavior and oral health status in psychiatric patients
- The actual condition of oral health education in children education institute teacher
- Significant (SiC) index of the 12-year-old child’s permanent teeth caries experience
- Oral health knowledge and practice of elementary school students in school dental clinics
- Oral health behavior according to the experience of fluoride mouth rinse in some elementary school students
- The comparison of the appearance perception, satisfaction, and self-esteem following the adolescent orthodontic treatment demand
- Image toward the elderly among dental hygiene students in Gangwon province
- Perception, attitude and knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dental hygiene students
- Treatment satisfaction and oral health behavior of the before and after dental implanting treatment