All Issue
February 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 1
- Influencing factors on happiness index in clinical dental hygienists
- The relationship between noise awareness, hearing ability, and dental hygiene performance in dental hygienists
- Related factors to dental care utilization and oral health status in immigrant workers in Korea
- The factors of oral health beliefs on scaling performance by national health insurance coverage in consumers
- Cognition of dental caries prevention by the level of the social economic status in Korea: Based on Gallup survey
- Influencing factors to dental caries and periodontal diseases in Korean adults
- Associated factors of self-reported dry mouth in adults
- Relationship between bone mineral density and the remaining teeth in Korean adults
- The influencing factors of denture satisfaction in the low income elderly people
- Effect of values on major satisfaction in dental hygiene students
- Relationship between internet addiction and health in dental hygiene students
- Knowledge and attitude change towards radiation protection after radiation safety management education in dental hygiene students
- The impact of health belief model in the middle and high school students on oral health behaviors
- Relationship between dental caries and oral health behavior in middle and high school students: The Ninth(2013) Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
- Influencing factors on oral health related self-efficacy and social support in high school students
- Current education status of the community dental hygiene practice
- Oral health and hygiene in the neurosurgical patients in intensive care unit
- Oral health condition, recognition, and practice in prisoners
- The demand for the change in Korean dental hygiene curriculum
- Relationship between toothbrushing and hand washing according to health education experience in middle school students
All Issue
April 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 2
- Preparation for old age of dental hygienists
- Relationship between saliva factors and oral hygiene factors in adults
- Health-related quality of life by oral health behavior and oral health status for the Middle-aged people
- Psychological state of the patients according to skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion symptoms
- Perceived oral health awareness in dementia and dementiasuspected depending on KMME
Influencing factors on functional, psychological, and aesthetic satisfaction in dental prosthetic treatment
- Influencing factors on oral health behavior and dental clinic use in industrial workers by Andersen model
- The oral health awareness and oral health care provided by workers in long-term elderly care facilities
- Oral health behavior according to oral health education experience in the elementary school teachers
- Correlation and influencing factors on oral health awareness, oral health behavior, self-esteem and OHIP-14 in childcare teachers
- Evaluation of community water fluoridation program on dental caries prevention in Ulsan
- Correlations of self-esteem, major satisfaction and career identity in dental hygiene students
- Influence of achievement motivation and self concept on clinical practice satisfaction in the dental hygiene students
- Effect of gender role identity on choice of dental hygiene and professionalism
- Effects of cooperative learning on learning attitude and self-directed learning capability of learners
- The effects of xylitol and sorbitol mouth rinse on caries activity
- Oral environmental change in the natural oral cleaner containing propolis
- Tooth whitening maintenance efficacy of dentifrices containing several active ingredients in vitro and in vivo
- Oral health related quality of life according to firefighters’ job characteristics
- Comparison of liberal arts curricula between three year and four year dental hygiene departments in Korea
All Issue
June 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 3
- Analysis of the knowledge and insurance screening review rates of health insurance claims in the dental hygienist
- Impact factor of cognition and practice of infection control in the dental hygienists
- Relation between learning strategy and academic achievement in the dental hygiene students
- The influence of the retirement expectation on retirement preparation in the dental technicians
- Correlation between stress, dry mouth and halitosis in adults
- Influence of metabolic on periodontal disease in Korean adults
- Oral health status and care needs of elderly patients in longterm care hospital
- The relationship between objective oral health conditions and subjective oral health perception of the elderly in Gimcheon
- The effects of life habits of some elders on subjective symptoms of periodontal disease
- Influencing factors of removable denture satisfaction in the elderly
- Effects of subjective oral health condition and oral health behavior on happiness in the elderly people
- Oral health impact profile(OHIP) according to the oral health behavior of foreign workers
- Related factors of oral health-related quality of life in the severely disabled people
- The influence of subjective awareness of dental health status on the use of dental hygienic devices
- Oral health behavior and related factors in public health majoring students
- Influence of socio-demographic characteristics and ethical type on self-esteem in dental hygiene students
- A comparative analysis of oral health behavior in adolescents between multicultural and ordinary Korean families
- Correlation between health behaviors and experiences of oral diseases in adolescents
- The effect of eugenol on the induction of apoptosis in HSC-2 human oral squamous cell carcinoma
- A Survey on dental college students’ perception and understanding of dental hygienists
- Impact of working environment on the subjective health symptoms in the dental hygienists
- A comparative analysis of competencies in American Dental Education Association and American Dental Hygiene Schools
All Issue
August 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 4
- The effect of oral health education for the elderly using Qscan™
- Oral health of the elderly people receiving nursing care and home care serivces in Chungnam
- Relationship between oral health locus of control and oral health behavior promotion in the adolescents
- The Effect of family function and oral health concern on the oral health impact profile(OHIP) in the adolescents
- Relations between oral health status and subjective oral health recognition in Korean adolescents
- Analysis of academic achievement in comprehensive dental hygiene courses using MBTI personality type
- Awareness towards employment in the dental hygiene students
- Relationship between multiple intelligences, academic selfefficacy and satisfaction with major in dental hygiene students
- Satisfaction towards clinical training institution according to clinical practice contents in the dental hygiene students
- Relationship between emotional labor, burnout and turnover intention in the dental hygienists
- The related factors of severity of musculo-skeletal pain in the dental hygienists based on PRECEDE model
- Difference of visiting time and major cause of disease by operating time changes of a university dental emergency room
- Influencing factors of self-reported dry mouth in the employees in social welfare facilities
- Change of salivary flow rate, xerostomia, and oral healthrelated quality of life after oral muscle massage
- Subjective oral status perceptionand oral health impact profile(OHIP) according to the oral health management among international and domestic university students
- Relationship between dental fear and subjective oral healthrelated quality of life
- Effect of continuing dental care program by elementary school dental clinic in Gimcheon
- Morphological aspect of the attached bacteria by the sterilization method of the ultrasonic scaling tip
- The effect of the cytotoxicity of sodium lauryl sulfate containing toothpaste on HaCaT and NIH-3T3 cells
- Recognition towards oral health care and plaque removal in the elderly people
- Antimicrobial activities against oral bacteria and growth inhibition against Actinomyces viscosus using Lentinus edodes various extracts
- Influencing factors on perception of patient medical information protection in dental hygiene students
All Issue
October 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 5
- Needlestick injuries in the dental hygienists
- Choice motivation of dental clinics by patients
- Influencing factors on awareness toward oral health education in elementary school teachers
- Influencing factors on anxiety and depression before and after dental prosthetic treatment in the patients
- The prevalence and association factors of unmet dental care needs in Korean adults: The 5th Korea national health and nutritional examination survey
- Influence of organizational communication satisfaction on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention : Focused on the mediated effects of interpersonal stress
- Relationship between self-efficacy and learning attitude according to smoking experience in the middle school students
- Relationship between health behavior and oral symptoms in Korean adolescents
- Influencing factors of non-utilization of dental care among adults in Korea: Using 2012 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey
- Influencing factors of turnover intention in the clinical dental hygienists
- Satisfaction with instruction medium according to learner attitude and lecture mode in the dental hygiene students
- Influence of social characteristics and self leadership on stress coping method in the dental hygiene students
- Awareness and activation towards dental medical tourism
- Oral health characteristics of the multicultural international marriage women in Gimcheon, Gyeongbuk, Korea
- Analysis of attitude and influencing factors toward basic life support in the dental hygienists
- Awareness toward the informed consent in the dental hygienists and the patients
- Oral health-related quality of life (OHIP-14) according to smoking
- Regional Difference of Chronic Periodontal Care Services in Korea
- Development and implementation of national competency standard: based on preventive dentistry and practice
- Work-related stress and depressive symptoms among dental hygienists
- Oral disease and oral health care in the diabetic patients
- The effect of gender role identity on the satisfaction and self effectiveness with job performance of dental hygienist
All Issue
December 2015
- Vol. 15 No. 6
- Surgical therapy of keratocystic odontogenic tumors
- Relationship between metabolic syndrome and oral diseases in the middle aged and elderly people
- Relationship between health factor, oral health factor and prevalence of depression in Korean elderly
- Correlation with subjective oral health status and food preference in elderly people
- Influencing factors of satisfaction and revisiting intention of dental implant patients
- Relationship between body mass index(BMI) and periodontal disease in Korean adult: The fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES V-1)
- Oral health behavior and oral health education experience among Korean adolescents: The ninth(2013) web-based survey of Korean youth risk behavior
- Effect of communication competence on the organizational effectiveness in dental hygienists
- Influence of elderly-related experience on attitude toward elderly in dental hygiene students
- Attitude toward medical health information in the dental hygiene students
- Effect of part-time employment experience on adaptation to university life in dental hygiene students
- Self-efficacy, self-image, and image as a dental hygienist of the dental hygiene student
- Factors associated with community scaling rate : Using community health survey data
- Comparison of quantitative detection of periodontal pathogens before and after scaling by real-time polymerase chain reaction
- Awareness and actual condition toward nonsmoking policy in Korean adult
- The influence of community oral hygiene promotion program on oral hygiene practice behavior in children
- Relationship between educational satisfaction and learning participation in dental hygiene students
- Parents’ recognition and attitudes toward national health insurance coverage of sealant by dental hygienist
- Awareness and satisfaction toward health insurance coverage of scaling
- Factor associated with oral health-related quality of life in adults