
Full mouth rehabilitation of an asthma patient with severe tooth wear and occlusion disharmony

Yujin Jo1,*   

Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University


Patients with excessive tooth wear should first be diagnosed for the etiology of the tooth wear. Causes of tooth wear include bruxism, clenching, and taking medications for systemic diseases. After identifying the cause of tooth attrition, the final prosthesis should be restored with an appropriate vertical dimension. A 79-year-old man with worn out teeth desired a whole dental treatment. He was on medications for high blood pressure and asthma. The treatment proceeded with a consultation with a medical doctor. The medications for asthma evoked multiple teeth wear and a loss of the vertical dimension. After recovery of 3 mm of vertical dimension, 2 months of evaluation was followed by an interim prosthesis. The increased vertical dimension caused no problem in function and esthetics, and the final restoration was performed with a full monolithic zirconia crown. Group function, adequate anterior guidance, and the occlusal plane were determined. After the final restoration, the patient was both esthetically and functionally satisfied, and a night guard splint was delivered to prevent prosthesis fracture. The patient was informed about the potential tooth wear associated with asthma drugs and educated to visit the clinic regularly.

Figures & Tables

Fig. 1. Initial panoramic radiograph