
Derivation of core competencies of advanced practice dental hygienists in the elderly using the Delphi method

Sun-Mi  Lee1    Young-Soon  Won2   Hyeong-Mi  Kim3   Seon-Ju  Sim4   Jung-Hwa  Lee5   Sang-Eun Moon6   Chang-Hee  Kim3,*   

Department of Dental Hygiene, Dongnam Health University
1Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University
2Department of Dental Hygiene, Chungcheong University
3Department of Dental Hygiene, Baekseok University
4Department of Dental Hygiene, Dongeui University
5Department of Dental Hygiene, Kwangju Women’s University


This study derived the core competencies for developing a curriculum for advanced practice dental hygienists in the elderly. A Delphi survey was conducted thrice times with 12 subjects engaged in dental hygiene-related activities for the elderly. The item with the highest average in each domain was ‘understanding the elderly (mean=5.00)’ in basic qualities and attitude competency, ‘understanding the oral health characteristics of the elderly (mean=5.00)’ in the job competency, and ‘development and evaluation of oral health programs for the elderly (mean=4.75)’ in job support competency. The core competencies of dental hygienists specializing in the elderly are divided into 3 ‘basic qualifications and attitude competencies’, ‘job competencies’, and ‘job support competencies’ 27 sub-competencies are presented.

Figures & Tables

Table 1. Delphi panel