
Relationship between depressive symptoms and unmet dental treatment according to gender of the elderly in Korea : 7th National Health and Nutrition Survey

Young-Eun  Jeon1   Gaeun  Lee2   Jinseub  Hwang3   Yunsook  Jung1,*   

Department of Dental hygiene, College of Science & Technology Kyungpook National University
1Department of Statistics, Daegu University
2Department of Data Science, Daegu University


This study aimed to study the association between unmet dental treatment and depression in the dental area of the elderly. The data was from the 7th period of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between depression and unmet dental treatment when confounding factors such as income quintile and smoking were considered. Statistical software, SAS 9.4 version was used. After correcting all confounding factors, the analysis showed that the experience of unmet dental treatment was 2.73 times more likely among depressed men and 2.52 times more likely among depressed women (p <0.05). The results of this study suggested that we should consider that depression in the elderly can affect unmet dental treatment regardless of gender.

Figures & Tables

Table 1. General characteristics of study subjects      Unit:%(SE)