1) For accepted Manuscripts, the peer review fee of 60,000 Korean Won(₩)(50 US dollars) will be charged to the corresponding authors.
2) For accepted Manuscripts, the publication cost will be charged to the corresponding authors. It costs 250,000 Korean Won(₩)(210 US dollars) for 10 pages, and it takes 20,000 Won(₩)(18 US dollars) per page. But reprints will be charged to the authors. It takes 3,000 Korean Won per each copy. An additional will be charged for color prints.
2) For accepted Manuscripts, the publication cost will be charged to the corresponding authors. It costs 250,000 Korean Won(₩)(210 US dollars) for 10 pages, and it takes 20,000 Won(₩)(18 US dollars) per page. But reprints will be charged to the authors. It takes 3,000 Korean Won per each copy. An additional will be charged for color prints.